Not Yet.

Beginning of a systematic approach.

Effective systematic approach.  Some gaps.

Effective systematic approach.  No gaps.






I work with students and other stakeholders to create a high performance environment where learning is challenging yet joyful and all students meet their needs and experience success.





I will do the following:
a.  Survey last year’s students to see if they feel they are/were prepared for the next math class they took.

b.  Survey graduates to see if what they learned in class due to the process benefited them in college and/or the work world.

c.  Survey employers on their satisfaction with past students.





I survey students and other stakeholders to determine customer expectations and the degree of customer satisfaction.





I will do the following:
a.  Students will complete Plus/Deltas and One Minute Papers in order to share their feelings on how class is going.
b.  Other stakeholders will be provided the progress the class is making in a quarterly newsletter, which will provide them with my email so they can share any concerns or comments.





I employ an issue bin as a vehicle to open and channel communications in a constructive way.





I will do the following:

a.  A suggestion box will be available at all times for student input.  At the end of each week we will take time in class to read through any comments, discuss them, and look for possible solutions as a class.





I work to build positive relationships with students and other stakeholders.





I will do the following:
a.  Concerns and solutions identified above will be posted to the class web site.